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alpha should be black in VFB, right?

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  • alpha should be black in VFB, right?

    Hi folks.
    I have a scene with single dome light set to invisible.
    In the image you can see that the glass top is creating the correct alpha but the empty space where there is no geo is rendering out as solid white and not black and I just cant work out why.
    Any pointers?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot_alpha.jpg
Views:	125
Size:	131.3 KB
ID:	1136976

  • #2
    Hard to say without a scene. Are you certain there isn't anything opaque in the background? Best you send (or attach here) the scene so we can take a look.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Managed to fix it this morning, there was a nested dome light hiding deep within a groups with attached hdri file missing. User error as always.

