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  • #31
    i am failing in creating a csp in nuke for my purpose:
    load the ocio config we use in maya into nukes custom ocio field.
    create a CMS Test pattern add a OCIODisplay node,
    set the values like i have in the VFB and add a node GenerateLUT writing a .csp file, logaithmic with 1D preLUT size 4096.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	87
Size:	12.0 KB
ID:	1206982
    Is that even the correct aproach to generate my csp?


    • #32
      Ok we had more luck using open Color io to create a lut but still need to apply an exposure adjustment in addition to the lut.


      • #33
        I have no idea how Nuke generates luts. I make my csp luts with a simple spreadsheet (1D) and just add 3D cube generated from Fusion.

        if there is exposure difference this might be related to VRay output. VRayUnclampedColor element in 3dsMax for example does not contain VRay's exposure adjustment (camera or other).
        Marcin Piotrowski


        • #34
          i checked AcesCentral and there is a nuke file - i was super naive as the process to create your own lut is way more complex inside nuke.

          Finally I ended up using these two files (from Alex Fry):

          CEScg_Photoshop_SceneLinear_to_DisplayLinear_Trans form_DimSurround.csp

          I have also attached them here in case someone else is looking for a solution in the future.

          Thanks for you help!
          Attached Files


          • #35
            piotrus3333 Thanks a lot for posting the csp luts here! Didn't know that PSD now (or since whenever) supports more precise csp luts!


            • #36
              Originally posted by seq View Post
              piotrus3333 Thanks a lot for posting the csp luts here! Didn't know that PSD now (or since whenever) supports more precise csp luts!
              sure, good to hear it’s useful.
              I guess this happened sometime in last two years but it is not something you would read about in a changelog.

              Anybody here using something else than PS for “photoshop like” things?
              Marcin Piotrowski

