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Film Translate, different from Viewport to Render?

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  • Film Translate, different from Viewport to Render?

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Name:	Untitled-1.png
Views:	165
Size:	235.9 KB
ID:	1194481In an effort to match vertical perspective, I've pointed my camera a little down and used the camera's "Film Translate (Y)" to do a sort of tilt shift. Maybe there is a better way to match architectural perspective, but this is the best I have found so far.

    The problem is that when I render, Vray seems to not interpret this 1:1 and it is a little off.

    I saw another thread similar to this from several years back and their solve was to not use the viewport's Resolution Gate but I don't think that is solving my issue. Is the Maya standard camera's Film Translate attribute fully supported? Or maybe there is a better way to match my reference image's perspective?

  • #2
    The Film Translate options are working fine. I think if you turn the viewport's Resolution Gate (View>Camera Settings> Resolution Gate), it should show you the correct perspective in the viewport (which matches the VFB). Otherwise, another method of controlling tilt/shift is to add the V-Ray Physical Camera attribute (Select camera>Attributes> V-Ray Physical Camera) and use the "Guess vertical lens shift" function.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

