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V-Ray Scatter Count

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  • V-Ray Scatter Count

    Hey all,

    is there a way to see how many "instances" have been scattered? I came across the problem, that for a project I had to quickly check how many people I could set in an area and beside duplicating them, I used the V-Ray Scatter. This almost brought me in serious trouble, since the set value wasn't gained and at first I did not notice. And unfortunately I was not able to see, how many duplicates the tool actually did there. Since "Avoid Collision" was active, the number of objects of course reduced.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. There is no information for the number of scattered instances in Scatter for Maya. There is a info tab in the 3ds Max version (check the gif)
    Click image for larger version  Name:	download?id=108gm0SY4cwaDiDP-WRKRyEPdnwji9L6x&authuser=0.gif Views:	0 Size:	130.0 KB ID:	1210505

    We logged this as a feature request for the Maya version of Scatter (VMAYA-12909).

    EDIT: If you need to know the final count of scatter instances you could turn them to geometry using the "convert to maya instances" found in the scattering tab.
    However this is not advisable and please keep in mind it could crash maya. Make sure you save you project before hitting convert to maya instances.
    Last edited by vladimir_krastev; 17-06-2024, 07:07 AM.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Sorry for the delay. I appreciate the feature request.

