I often use RGB light passes (example attached) as a sort of normal-pass for the beauty lighting. This allows fine-tuning and intensity shift to be handled in compositing. I wanted to see if other people have faster methods, or if this is something that could potentially be a render element.
Since all of the lights are being calculated, I wonder if it would be possible to kick out lights (or light sets) separately from the framebuffer, like multiple 'lighting' render elements. This would be amazing as it would be 'free,' compared to rendering a custom layer or multiple beauty versions.The method I usually use is to copy the beauty shading, override lights into R, G, and B, and assign a fully diffuse white V-RayMtl (if reflection is minimal and the diffuse lighting is what needs adjusting). Anyone have different / better methods, or could this be done in the framebuffer? Thanks.
Since all of the lights are being calculated, I wonder if it would be possible to kick out lights (or light sets) separately from the framebuffer, like multiple 'lighting' render elements. This would be amazing as it would be 'free,' compared to rendering a custom layer or multiple beauty versions.The method I usually use is to copy the beauty shading, override lights into R, G, and B, and assign a fully diffuse white V-RayMtl (if reflection is minimal and the diffuse lighting is what needs adjusting). Anyone have different / better methods, or could this be done in the framebuffer? Thanks.