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Render animation only in batch mode

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  • Render animation only in batch mode

    i am new to vray maya and not understand the meaning of the following switches

    vray common:
    Render animation only in bach mode:
    setAttr "vraySettings.animBatchOnly"

    Run from current time to anim start:
    setAttr "vraySettings.runToAnimationStart"
    setAttr "vraySettings.runToCurrentTime"

    setAttr "vraySettings.vrscene_render_on"

    I am not sure how these switches affect render
    (I could test but Dongel not yet working)
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  • #2
    "Render animation only in batch mode": normally, Maya renders animations only when doing batch rendering and inside Maya itself you can only render single frames. However by default V-Ray gives the user the option to render animations inside Maya as well (so that they can preview the results in the Render View/the V-Ray VFB as the animation progresses). Some users have found this annoying, so we have the option to stick to the Maya way of things.

    The "Run to animation start" and "Run to current frame" options are related to dynamics. For example if the scene contains a dynamic simulation and the animation rendering starts from the middle of the animation, the dynamics calculations need to be run up to the starting frame.

    The "Render" option in the Translator tab is used together with the option to export a .vrscene file. Turning this option off will cause V-Ray to just write the .vrscene file, but not render the actual image or animation.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

