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proxy display

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  • proxy display

    when I make a proxy mesh in maya I have the option to choose how many faces I want to keep in the maya scene for preview.

    when I use the ply2vrmesh utility I don't see an option for selecting how many faces to keep for preview? Is this a possibility?

    another option im curious to is if you can "attach" a vray proxy to a mesh manually. so that I can output a low res simulation approximation from Houdini -> maya then I can attach the high res vrmesh to that low poly mesh.

    It would be helpful for me to have a better preview in the scene to determine the rough animation of high poly mesh a bit better.

  • #2
    For the coming SP1, ply2vrmesh has an option to specify the number of faces in the preview; also you can preview the entire mesh in Maya if necessary; there are also options to ignore objects in the scene for rendering, which you can use for the preview simulation.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      ok great ill look forward to the sp1!

