This has been a huge battle for myself. I originally was using an exrmaketiled command in linux to create tiled mipmap exrs. Not sure where it originates from but no matter what options I used the results were never what I wanted. Even with mipmap turned on I would get all sorts of strange exr options that I do not need along with a wavlet compression that was automatically being added. Well a coworker of mine urged me to try out Pixars txmake for creating tiled mipmap's. txmake works perfectly. All I can say is wow my life is changed. 5 minute texture loads when using the VFB are now instant.
txmake -format openexr infile outfile
Get a hold of txmake and give it a shot. If anyone has any luck using anything else for creating tiled mipmap exr's please share in here.
txmake -format openexr infile outfile
Get a hold of txmake and give it a shot. If anyone has any luck using anything else for creating tiled mipmap exr's please share in here.