for the first time we are trying to use the z-depth via Render Elements in the Render Globals. I've already read a lot of posts regarding DOF with VRay, but still we have not found the best solution I guess. Perhaps someone would be so kind and give us some tips+tricks.
We using Maya 2011 with VRay 1.5SP1 (NB from 05th July) and the Lenscare-Plugin from Frischluft. Our current animation project is using a physical camera and the focus is changing during animation. It is a product visualisation, the scene is relative small and there are several macro shots where the camera is only 7 cm from the product. In the opening shot of the most scenes the camera is 50 cm away from the product.
Okay, enought details I hope. So here are my questions:
1. Did you guys and girls use the standard z-depth render element or an ExtraTex with a Falloff map? And what settings do you use for the falloff map?
2. Or do you use a separate render pass for the z-depth map? And what material do you use for that? Read that a separate render pass has the advantage that you can set the Image sampler to Fixed rate.
3. For the z-depth RE: What does the option "Use depth from camera" do? Is this the focus? Or the clipping planes?
4. And how do I determine the "Depth black and white settings"? I read that when you use e.g. Lenscares you should set the black and white to your scene scale. But what if the camera is 50 cm away at start and 5 cm near the object at the end?
5. We render out EXR (16bit) and encounter no problem so far with Lenscares. Any known problems?
6. We disabled Filtering and Depth Clamp. Correct?
7. Anyone manage to render a z-Depth map where the foreground and the background is blurred and only a small area in the middle is sharp?
Any other tips and tricks aside from render at double resolution
Many thanks in advanced and sorry for the long post.
for the first time we are trying to use the z-depth via Render Elements in the Render Globals. I've already read a lot of posts regarding DOF with VRay, but still we have not found the best solution I guess. Perhaps someone would be so kind and give us some tips+tricks.
We using Maya 2011 with VRay 1.5SP1 (NB from 05th July) and the Lenscare-Plugin from Frischluft. Our current animation project is using a physical camera and the focus is changing during animation. It is a product visualisation, the scene is relative small and there are several macro shots where the camera is only 7 cm from the product. In the opening shot of the most scenes the camera is 50 cm away from the product.
Okay, enought details I hope. So here are my questions:
1. Did you guys and girls use the standard z-depth render element or an ExtraTex with a Falloff map? And what settings do you use for the falloff map?
2. Or do you use a separate render pass for the z-depth map? And what material do you use for that? Read that a separate render pass has the advantage that you can set the Image sampler to Fixed rate.
3. For the z-depth RE: What does the option "Use depth from camera" do? Is this the focus? Or the clipping planes?
4. And how do I determine the "Depth black and white settings"? I read that when you use e.g. Lenscares you should set the black and white to your scene scale. But what if the camera is 50 cm away at start and 5 cm near the object at the end?
5. We render out EXR (16bit) and encounter no problem so far with Lenscares. Any known problems?
6. We disabled Filtering and Depth Clamp. Correct?
7. Anyone manage to render a z-Depth map where the foreground and the background is blurred and only a small area in the middle is sharp?
Any other tips and tricks aside from render at double resolution

Many thanks in advanced and sorry for the long post.