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Object Normal in world space pass?

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  • Object Normal in world space pass?


    Can someone shed some light on how to generate the Object Normal pass in world space?
    I tried to use the Normals_RE listed in the Render Settings, but the result yields unexpected when I use it for doing environment reflection in post and the result is also different from what I got from mental ray.

    always curious...

  • #2
    I asked about this a while ago so be interesting to see if an answer pops up?


    • #3
      The Normals element is in camera/ray space. To get the normals in world/object space, use a VRayExtraTex element and connect it to a samplerInfo node.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Hm, from what I see, the samplerInfo texture does not output the normals in object/world space. You can get the world space normals by exporting to a .vrscene file and modifying that, but looks like it is not possible for the object space normals. I'll add a feature request for this.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vlado View Post
          Hm, from what I see, the samplerInfo texture does not output the normals in object/world space. You can get the world space normals by exporting to a .vrscene file and modifying that, but looks like it is not possible for the object space normals. I'll add a feature request for this.

          Best regards,
          Thanks for the reply Vlado. I am not familiar with the modifying .vrscene workflow. Hope to see couple handy Render Elements of Object Normals in both world and object space in the future build.
          always curious...


          • #6
            Could I ask we get a texture node for it as well as a render element option. Handy for texturing having access to object normals in a texture.



            • #7
              I also need world space normals! Is there any updates on this issue? anybody that knows a workaround?


              • #8
                Which build of V-Ray are you using? In recent builds you can select the samplerInfo node and add the "V-Ray additional textures" attributes to it - one of them is "Normal World", which you can then connect to an Extra Tex render element to get the world space normals.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  You totally saved my day! Thanks! A quick heads up for anyone who would like to try is that I first connected them per induvidual channel. that doesn't work. You have to use "vrayNormalWorld" and not "vrayNormalWorldR","vrayNormalWorldG" and "vrayNormalWorldB".

                  Thanks again!

