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WHat's the vray equivelant to this mental ray command?

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  • WHat's the vray equivelant to this mental ray command?


    I'm trying to update/convert a script to V-Ray but have come across this to which I do not now the V-Ray alternative:

    Mayatomr -preview $iconSize -y $iconSize -camera persp;
    Does anyone know how to translate this to V-Ray? Nevermind. I have found the answer.

    Update: nevermind it seems to be this:

    RenderIntoNewWindow $iconSize -y $iconSize -camera persp;

    But still I have one more question, how do you tell V-Ray to render to a specific directory outside of Maya's GUI?

    In Maya sw:

    setAttr -type "string" defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix ($iconsPrimary+$name);
    In V-Ray I try this but it does not work:

    setAttr "vraySettings.defaultDir" -type "string" ($iconsPrimary+$name);
    Last edited by snivlem; 04-11-2010, 10:43 PM.
    Maya 2020/2022
    Win 10x64
    Vray 5

  • #2
    You can do two things:
    1. Set the "images" path in the workspace (see "workspace -fr" in the help). But if you set an absolute path (c:\something) there it won't work. It only works with paths relative to the root of the workspace.
    2. Set the file name prefix: "setAttr -type "string" vraySettings.fileNamePrefix ("c:/" +`getSceneName`);"
    This one might be similar in behaviour to the Maya SW.

    Unfortunately defaulDir is not implemented at the moment and it does nothing.

    Best regards,
    Teodor Petrov
    V-Ray developer


    • #3
      Thank you Teodor for your help! I will try this next.
      Maya 2020/2022
      Win 10x64
      Vray 5


      • #4
        Thanks Teodor your suggestions worked beautifully!

        Does anyone know if there is there an alternative command similar to "RenderIntoNewWindow"?

        When I use "RenderIntoNewWindow" it will force Maya to open a new window to render. Is there a way I can get V-Ray to render the exact same way but without using Maya's Render View panel?
        Maya 2020/2022
        Win 10x64
        Vray 5


        • #5
          snivlem, What exactly do you want to achieve?

          You can try "RedoPreviousRender", it doesn't tear of the RenderView if it was docked.
          V-Ray developer


          • #6
            Sorry, I'll try and explain a little better. It's a little different to normal!

            Basically, my aim is to get a rendered image saved onto disk out of Maya, but it is not through a batch render.

            In mental ray, to do this, it is just "Mayatomr -preview". I think I found that V-Ray can use "RenderIntoNewWindow", but the problem with this method is that it will obviously open the Render View window and render (which I would not like to happen). The good thing with this command though, is that it save an image to disk!

            I'm not sure if you're familiar with Autodesk's LayoutTools for Maya, but I'm trying to modify this script to add V-Ray support. I'm updating it so it can generate prop thumbnails using V-Ray instead of mental ray. As I mentioned, mental ray uses the "Mayatomr -preview" command to generate these thumbnails. So this is why I'm trying to get a render out of Maya that is not using batch render.

            If there is no command for this, it is no problem as it will all still work. It's only a slight inconvenience as Maya's not behaving well with the rest of Windows when it is generating lots and lots of thumbnails through the Render View window (Maya problem of course, nothing to do with V-Ray).

            Basically I was just wondering if there was a similar command to "Mayatomr -preview" that outputs an image to disk and that does not use the render window or batch.

            Thanks for your patience.
            Maya 2020/2022
            Win 10x64
            Vray 5


            • #7
              Originally posted by snivlem View Post
              Basically I was just wondering if there was a similar command to "Mayatomr -preview" that outputs an image to disk and that does not use the render window or batch.
              Hm, why not use the "vrend" command directly, rather than renderIntoNewWindow? For example:

              setAttr vraySettings.width 400;
              setAttr vraySettings.height 300;
              vrend -camera persp;
              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                ah, I did not know that command!

                But it is the one I was after. Many thanks for helping! I appreciate it.
                Maya 2020/2022
                Win 10x64
                Vray 5

