I am wondering typically how to render a filament (inside a glass bulb) into a RE_Self_Illumination?
I have a scene where there is a typical light bulb with a filament inside. The filament is modeled and assigned with VrayLightMtl. The light bulb is modeled with thickness and assigned a regular transparent glass type of material.
The only way I can see the filament shown in the RE_Self_Illumination is when set the Bulb material's refraction to "affect all channels", but doing so my other Render Elements like the Extra Tex will get unwanted contribution from the bulb glass material.
I am wondering typically how to render a filament (inside a glass bulb) into a RE_Self_Illumination?
I have a scene where there is a typical light bulb with a filament inside. The filament is modeled and assigned with VrayLightMtl. The light bulb is modeled with thickness and assigned a regular transparent glass type of material.
The only way I can see the filament shown in the RE_Self_Illumination is when set the Bulb material's refraction to "affect all channels", but doing so my other Render Elements like the Extra Tex will get unwanted contribution from the bulb glass material.