Hello there,
I'm struggling to find an answer to the below multi-part question, ran many tests to see the differences but still didn't conclude to the perfect answer and I think the developers could give me a precise answer.
I'm facing problems with the units scale issue in Maya compared with 3dsmax. I know that both applications calculate differently units, no matter what you set it up with mm or cm, so there are differences in raytracing calculations depending on the scale of the models/lights in the scene.
The second part of this question is what linear workflow/affect swatches/enable input bitmap gamma attribute do actually in Maya compared with 3dsmax's ones,because I've rendered all possible combinations (Linear Workflow On/Off - Affect Swatches On/Off - Disabled "Enable Input Bitmap Gamma"/ Enabled with all 3 possible choices) in Maya and still couldn't match what it was going into 3dsmax and many of combinations looked similar.
What happens with the color selector (as it is affected in 3dsmax) and the Maya 2011 Color profiles?
Are they affecting/affected by anything or so far they are not taken into account by V-Ray itself?
I want to achieve this setup as is in 3dsmax, and have the exact effect in Maya:
3dsmax units are in mm.
What corresponding units and settings need to be set in Maya to match 1:1 with the setup in 3dsmax?
Thank you in advance.
I'm struggling to find an answer to the below multi-part question, ran many tests to see the differences but still didn't conclude to the perfect answer and I think the developers could give me a precise answer.
I'm facing problems with the units scale issue in Maya compared with 3dsmax. I know that both applications calculate differently units, no matter what you set it up with mm or cm, so there are differences in raytracing calculations depending on the scale of the models/lights in the scene.
The second part of this question is what linear workflow/affect swatches/enable input bitmap gamma attribute do actually in Maya compared with 3dsmax's ones,because I've rendered all possible combinations (Linear Workflow On/Off - Affect Swatches On/Off - Disabled "Enable Input Bitmap Gamma"/ Enabled with all 3 possible choices) in Maya and still couldn't match what it was going into 3dsmax and many of combinations looked similar.
What happens with the color selector (as it is affected in 3dsmax) and the Maya 2011 Color profiles?
Are they affecting/affected by anything or so far they are not taken into account by V-Ray itself?
I want to achieve this setup as is in 3dsmax, and have the exact effect in Maya:
3dsmax units are in mm.
What corresponding units and settings need to be set in Maya to match 1:1 with the setup in 3dsmax?
Thank you in advance.