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Distant atmosphere

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  • Distant atmosphere

    Hi folks.
    I'm rendering out a large village scene with hills in the background but whats really missing is the atmosphere as you go near the horizon line, how could you create this with vray?

    MAny thanks

  • #2
    We used vrayEnvFog applied to the RenderGlobals environment rollout. That Fog needs to be adjusted for a large scene scale. In a recent hazy scene, my fog distance was set to 1000 and I had to increase my fog height (to 400 I think). Also, upping the subdivs might be required for nice renders. I used ScatterGI on and 16 scatter bounces. You might speed up the render by keeping scatterGI off and using emission color to brighten the fog.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply I'll try a test. Many thanks. I'll post if it turns out ok!


      • #4
        emmm. I'm not getting the result I'm after here. I have a village surrounded with fields and trees and I only want the outer horizen line to be effectd by the atmoshpere. At the moment as the viewer in the scene I am in fog but I want my standing point in the scene to be clear and only the far distant to be in mist/fog/atmoshpere. I'll keep testing.


        • #5
          If you want only a specefic part of the scene to be affected, create a shape and assign it to the environment fog using relationship editor (it's a set). Using a shape(s) is also faster to render, because you are calculating a smaller region. This advise is if you are using env fog as an environment volume (in Render Settings).
          V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer


          • #6
            I'm working with the same issue. I created a volume primitive box but that doesn't seem to work.
            Does it need to be a poly shape?

            Edit: Works great with a polygon. Thanks! Is there any way to control the transition in and out of the volume shape?
            Last edited by Zach Gray; 22-12-2010, 03:20 PM.


            • #7
              Result. I managed to use a poly cube, scaled it to shape and plugged in the envi fog into the shading group, make sure you turn opacity down to 0


              • #8
                Interesting. I just assigned the cube to the Env Set in the outliner

