I've recently been putting our Linux Farm to work sending renderings out via cmd line.
There's one this one thing I just can't seem to wrap my head around though:
How exactly do I take a .vrscene and render only lets say Frames 10-15 out of a 1-100 Frame scene?
I typed vray to get all the options printed out in terminal and tried the -frames=b0... with all the {}*[] mess.
But without really understanding why there is two numeric values for begining end and incement I was kind of lost and vray kept replying error: wrong frame number or something like that
Would help me alot instead of reexporting vrscenes from maya over and over again
There's one this one thing I just can't seem to wrap my head around though:
How exactly do I take a .vrscene and render only lets say Frames 10-15 out of a 1-100 Frame scene?
I typed vray to get all the options printed out in terminal and tried the -frames=b0... with all the {}*[] mess.
But without really understanding why there is two numeric values for begining end and incement I was kind of lost and vray kept replying error: wrong frame number or something like that
Would help me alot instead of reexporting vrscenes from maya over and over again