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Material override Render Element

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  • Material override Render Element

    Is it possible to get a material select render element to render with a material override? Im rendering a car and Id like to render several different passes of the paint. Each with a different material.

    Thank you

  • #2
    This is already added in our "to do" list.
    Unfortunately we can't give you any time frame for this feature implementation.

    Thank you for the feedback.
    Best regards,
    Zdravko Keremidchiev
    Technical Support Representative


    • #3
      There are several ways to do that in Maya proper. You can create a new render layer and apply a material override to the layer. I'm guessing your response *might* be: But I want to render it all in one go! But I would argue with different materials, your rendertime will be about the same as rendering them in 2 or more layers.

      You might also do layer overrides on material parameters on different render layers while using the same actual material (if only a few parameters are changing).



      • #4
        The cleanest way for what we are doing would be to do it all in one go. If i did use render layers, how can i get a just a render of the car paint with an alpha for just the car paint. Pass contributions are a mental ray thing no? Using a surface shader on all of the geo i need to knock out will eliminate their reflections. I tried using a material select render element on the new render layer but it doesn't seem to work with the car paint shader.

