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Render statistics

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  • Render statistics

    So I have a scene that has some v-ray proxies totaling about 500mb, plus a 300~ or so mb texture map. The render statistics during rendering show me the following:
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Compiling geometry...
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Building static raycast accelerator...
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: SDTree statistics:
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Total number of faces stored: 61808
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Max tree depth: 27
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Average tree depth: 17.2771
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Number of tree nodes: 13953
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Number of tree faces: 125841
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Number of tree leafs: 5442
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Average faces/leaf: 23.124
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Memory usage: 6.90 MB
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:26] V-Ray: Rendering image...
    [2011/Sep/8|01:01:28] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 21.2s): 10 % completed

    What does v-ray base it's calculations on ? What does the 6.90 MB memory usage mean ? Should the memory usage for the render not be a lot more than this ? If this is a bogus number where can I actually see real statistics regarding what is being thrown at the render engine ?