I've got some objects that had chrome bits on them, stupidly I didn't realise that my anti-aliasing settings weren't very good over an animation (DOH).
However, the only good thing, is that they aren't too large....
So I thought that if I render out a beauty pass again of just the chrome objects, I'm hoping I can just comp the new chrome bits over the aliased ones ?
What would be the best way to ensure I still get correct reflections of other objects in the scene but so they aren't visible (thus hopefully saving some render time?).
Would I use the wrapper material on all of the other objects with their materials as the 'base' (I presume this is ok even if they are blends as the base mat) ?
However, the only good thing, is that they aren't too large....
So I thought that if I render out a beauty pass again of just the chrome objects, I'm hoping I can just comp the new chrome bits over the aliased ones ?
What would be the best way to ensure I still get correct reflections of other objects in the scene but so they aren't visible (thus hopefully saving some render time?).
Would I use the wrapper material on all of the other objects with their materials as the 'base' (I presume this is ok even if they are blends as the base mat) ?