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ply2vrmesh on linux

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  • ply2vrmesh on linux

    We need to get a lot of geometry from houdini to v-ray on a linux based system. Any experience on the problem is appreciated.


  • #2
    Make sure that you are using a newer build of V-Ray; it should support .bgeo files which on the whole convert much faster.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      That's great news. But you only done this on Windows?


      • #4
        No of course; you get ply2vrmesh with the Linux installations of V-Ray as well.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          aaaaaaaahhh! Things are getting clearer, it IS a linux prog allready, Got fooled by the .exe extension.

          Cheers mate!


          • #6
            Just for the info, primitive group in Houdini give you the shading group.


            • #7
              Nice. And while we're close to the subject- how well does vray handle point/primitive/vertex attributes? Can they be accessed by shaders?


              • #8
                What kind of Attributes? Can you give an example?
                I guess at the moment we are not skipping unknown attributes.
                We are processing positions, normals, uvs and velocities, I think.

                V-Ray developer


                • #9
                  Arbitrary attributes. For example, say we have a selfillumination thing going on in our shader we could create a point variable on the mesh that then acts as a multiplier in the shader. Or in my case, I got water that goes from solid to foam, I need to control this by particle attributes that gets picked up by the shader.


                  • #10
                    You want user attributes in the proxy. I add a thread about this : (but before in Maya).
                    I don't know if it is very diffucult or if this "big" feature can be here quicly.
                    We start a new feature film with some armies and this feature will help us a lot (for variations in the shader, switch textures, etc etc).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bhenriksson View Post
                      Arbitrary attributes. For example, say we have a selfillumination thing going on in our shader we could create a point variable on the mesh that then acts as a multiplier in the shader. Or in my case, I got water that goes from solid to foam, I need to control this by particle attributes that gets picked up by the shader.
                      Do it with a color set, and it will work fine - there is a VRayVertexColors texture for accessing color set information from within a shader. Color sets are also stored in .vrmesh files.

                      For accessing particle attributes, you can use the particleSampler shading node.

                      Best regards,
                      Last edited by vlado; 26-10-2011, 03:05 AM.
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bigbossfr View Post
                        You want user attributes in the proxy.
                        Not necessarily. For the particular case, Color Sets will work just fine.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #13
                          No, according to your thread your thing would be per object. I want to pickup attributes from points or polygons. In my case these would need to be baked into a houdini geo/bgeo and converted to vrmesh data through ply2vrmesh.


                          • #14
                            I see; however at the moment ply2vrmesh doesn't understand those attributes. Even if it did though, eventually they would end up as color sets.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15
                              Just want to drop some thoughts on this. I've recenly discovered that you can't displace a vr proxy. This is a major drawback as all houdini I/O is happening through proxies and displacement is an everyday thing.

                              We've never really got over the fact that one can't read/write point attributes either. If you do anything with particles, you want hidden attributes.

                              My hopes is that alembic will be a saviour for both of these issues and maby your work should be focused on getting that to play with vray but in my experience the I/O currently needs some love to be able to carry through effect heavy productions.

