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Render overlay plugin

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  • Render overlay plugin

    Does a plugin/texture exist that will generate type on the fly based on live data from the scene? Or is there a way to add live variables into the image stamp? (Similar Max Thread)

    I'm designing a 'shader calisthenics' scene for look dev, similar to an animation pose sequence that we use for rigging to test range of motion, deformation, etc. We'll load an asset into the scene, and it will stress test the shaders/textures in different lighting conditions.

    I'd like to 'print' the light intensities into the frame buffer, along with other pertinent information, similar to what you see here: Link: Sony Article at Deathfall

    Last edited by Zach Gray; 02-11-2011, 10:00 AM.

  • #2
    Can you not implement a pre-render MEL script that modifies the frame stamp text? Also, is the text that you want to print going to change from frame to frame?

    Also, if you use the Maya render view, maybe there is a way to draw directly in it from MEL/Python.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      string $myValue = "blarg";
      string $baseString = "%vrayversion | render %rendertime";
      setAttr "vraySettings.stamp_text" -type "string" ($baseString + " " + $myValue);
      If I write out a .vrscene for the farm, the mel driven data won't update per frame, right? There might be issues with a procedural shader at render time as well. There might be problems animating the string, but you could theoretically render values, just like any animated shader.

      Ultimately, it's a convenience more than a necessity. I need to decide how important it is to chase down.

      Thanks for the info.

