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new to VRay: Linear Workflow

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  • new to VRay: Linear Workflow

    I see a few threads about this so sorry for any repeats. We are well acquainted with a linear, color managed pipeline in general and maya/mr workflow in particular. In VRay from our experiments it seems the steps are:

    1. set Color Mapping type to Linear multiply (actually need to investigate the "types" a bit more)
    2. check Don't affect colors
    3. If using the maya RV, in the maya Color Management settings, set Image Color Profile to Linear sRGB and Display to sRGB (assuming sRGB is what you want). If using the VFB then click the display in sRGB button

    so if we create a sphere with a .18 surface shader, the render comes into nuke as .18 and the renders look the same in the maya render view and nuke.

    seems like that'll do it?

    On a side note, one thing we notice is that we are using a VRay physical camera, the exposure color correction overrides even the surface shader. Is it possible to have an unlit, un affected shader when using a physical camera?


  • #2
    Here is a thread that I respond to help someone ... for me this workflow works good ... no problems .



    • #3
      Thanks. Why the gamma 2.2 in the color mapping field? the docs seem to imply that a value here is burned into the final output? though in practice that value seems to have no affect on the output. Wouldn't you want a 1.0 and then use the viewer to color manage the image? Either way those settings are essentially what we're doing. As for adding a gamma node for sRGB textures, why not add a vray texture input gamma attribute instead? Seems like VRay ignores the maya built in Color Profile settings.

      Thanks for the reply


      • #4
        oops, sorry I see you are using the VRay attribute for correction


        • #5
          You have to put 2.2 into the gamma field to let the adaptive sampler know for what output brightness it has to sample. If you use 1.0 and just use the VFB sRGB "overlay" you'll get lots of noise in your rendering (especially in dark areas), because the sampler hits the thresholds to soon. This is what 'adaption only' means - the sampler adapts to the 2.2 gamma curve but doesn't burn the result into the image. It just does the correct thing for the desired output.


          • #6
            ah ha, got it. Interesting. Thanks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by corestudio View Post
              On a side note, one thing we notice is that we are using a VRay physical camera, the exposure color correction overrides even the surface shader. Is it possible to have an unlit, un affected shader when using a physical camera?
              If you are it using for something like a sky you can use a VrayLightMaterial instead of a surface shader and check "compensate camera exposure"


              • #8

                Anyone on the nightly release channel see this:

                [modified feature] The "Linear workflow" color mapping option should not affect "Amount" textures (diffuse/reflection/refraction amount) - resolved.
                Just wondering if anyone has tested it out or if it makes the 'mythical' Linear Workflow checkbox relevant (to new scenes anyways)?



                • #9
                  "[modified feature] The "Linear workflow" color mapping option should not affect "Amount" textures (diffuse/reflection/refraction amount) - resolved."

                  To clarify, does this refer to putting a texture map into the single channel diffuse amount, as opposed to the diffuse color?


                  • #10
                    I've pulled this fix back, since it broke too many things.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

