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material override / diffuse override

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  • material override / diffuse override

    Hi everyone!

    I would like to override my default material (mainly the diffuse channel) with a grey color in order to test my shader's displacement and bump attributes.
    Is there a switch to activate a temporarily override?

    hope to hear from you
    br matt

  • #2
    In your material/shading group there is a custom additional vray attribute called material override, in it you can plugin your lambert/grey shader to do the tests.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      alright - i already found that
      but I just want to judge the bump / displacement effects - without diffuse
      utilizing the material overrides I would have to rewire all the other maps, don't I?!

      hope to hear from you soon
      br mayanic
      Last edited by mayanic; 10-11-2012, 06:53 AM.


      • #4
        Unfortunately there is no option to override just the diffuse color, while leaving bump and displacement in place.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          I was just about to ask something similar, but on a more global scale (apologies if I'm Hijacking the thread at all).

          Is there a way in Maya to temporarily override all shaders ? Primarily for lighting tests where some materials are killing render times.
          A bit like the ExtraTex Element, but with a shader and not having to render the RGB.


          • #6
            This option is in my DeeX VRay Arsenal (lambert overrite)...


            • #7
              Arsenal looks very intriguing (more and more). Any news on availablity ?


              • #8
                for lighting my scenes i just create a new render layer and assign a material override to it - works just fine

                i often test normal maps and displacements against a 50% grey diffuse color . .. a global switch that overrides all shader's diffuse inputs would be gorgeous
                it would take forever when i start scripting something that remembers the actual connections and rewires them afterwards . . hehe


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ricoholmes View Post
                  I was just about to ask something similar, but on a more global scale (apologies if I'm Hijacking the thread at all).

                  Is there a way in Maya to temporarily override all shaders ? Primarily for lighting tests where some materials are killing render times.
                  A bit like the ExtraTex Element, but with a shader and not having to render the RGB.
                  Maya's Render Layers with global material override. It works even with vray proxies.

                  But I wouldn't use this as Autodesk have never properly written Render Layers in Maya. Ever.
                  Maya 2020/2022
                  Win 10x64
                  Vray 5


                  • #10
                    Haha, good grief, of course.
                    I've become so used to using Vray and not needing Render Layers due to render elements, I'd forgotten the basics of Maya (!)
                    (How long have I been using Maya ??)

                    And snivlem.. totaly agreed. Probably why I've probably put it out of mind. I'll put it down to "traumatic memory loss" rather than plumb ignorance ;p

