Quite interesting thing I've spotted. I was updating my farm and I forgot to change 1 slave build to a newest one.
Now the result was only in reflection pass and the older build was actually better than the latest one. It looked like it rendered just as fast(I didnt do any hard comparisons) but it was a lot cleaner... maybe its worth checking it out ?
Scene and image:
I've uploaded compressed HDR, if you cant reproduce it maybe you need the uncompressed one...
Nightly with less noise : 20130323
Nightly with more noise : 20130511
Thanks, bye.
Quite interesting thing I've spotted. I was updating my farm and I forgot to change 1 slave build to a newest one.
Now the result was only in reflection pass and the older build was actually better than the latest one. It looked like it rendered just as fast(I didnt do any hard comparisons) but it was a lot cleaner... maybe its worth checking it out ?
Scene and image:
I've uploaded compressed HDR, if you cant reproduce it maybe you need the uncompressed one...
Nightly with less noise : 20130323
Nightly with more noise : 20130511
Thanks, bye.