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Normal Pass to World Space

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  • Normal Pass to World Space

    I couldn't find a good category to put this thread in. Aplogies.

    I'm working on a Nuke plugin to change the VRay Normals render element to world normals given the inputs of a camera and the normals pass. VRay renders normals that change based on the camera angle, which is different from what you get if you use Maya's SamplerInfo. So if I rendered a flat wall or floor, it'd have a gradient if rendered with VRay's Normals render element, but it'd be a solid color if SamplerInfo is used. How can I convert VRay's Normals to view space? Once I have that, I'll be able to transform it to world space.
    For those who might ask why not just go with SamplerInfo, it's because VRay seems to be faster and it's easy to render bump normals.
    Also, as a related side-question. Why does the x-axis for VRay's Normals seem to be flipped. SamplerInfo renders positive x to the right, while VRay renders positive x to the left?
    Thank you.