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Enhance detail setting for Irradiance map

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  • Enhance detail setting for Irradiance map

    I baked a Light cache and Irradiance map for a fly through animation using the camera path.

    Can I turn on and use the Enhance details feature with the baked Irradiance map?

  • #2
    No; the value needs to be the same during calculation and rendering. You can turn on ambient occlusion though.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      If I turn it on during baking does it get baked into the Irradiance map? and once I start using the IR map file will it not add to render times or does it compute it during the render?

      I only ask because in the documentation it says the enhance details feature uses brute-force and I know that has to be calculated every time.


      • #4
        If Enhance Details option is turned on during baking it will not be calculated and it will not be saved into Irradiance Map - the actual BF-calculation will be performed during rendering stage.
        Please note that when that option is ON Vray will calculate Irradiance Map only for the parts which doesn't require detail-enhancement so if you already have precalculated IM and you decide to turn OFF details-enhancement for the final rendering the end result won't be accurate since IM doesn't contain information for detail-enhancement-area. That's why this option should not change its status between pre-calculation and final rendering.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          Good to know.


