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V-Ray 3.0 = more prone to superbright pixels?

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  • V-Ray 3.0 = more prone to superbright pixels?


    I've been trying out V-Ray 3.0 out of interest but have noticed in comparison to 2.4 (when using HDRI's and Universal Settings) there always seems to be bright pure white pixels that turn up in a render. These superbright pixels are not noticeable in draft renders and only noticeable until we complete a final quality render.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	40.8 KB
ID:	880099

    Attached is a very small example showing this. That materials' diffuse is set to .85 so it is not pure white, nor do trace reflections play a part in this.

    It seems that Max Ray intensity does not solve this but instead increasing the "Min Shading Rate" does.

    My question is that say for an image like this

    Click image for larger version

Name:	superb.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	469.4 KB
ID:	880100

    The superbright pixels only appear on one material (which is .9 white and NO traced reflections) - why in V-Ray 3.0 do we have to increase the whole image quality just to cure one material which has no reflections? This seems to be very radical change in 3.0.

    I've seen Peter Guthries tutorial on this new attribute where he still uses 1-100 DMC - but I've never seen the superbright pixels issue before with Max users. I hope there is a solution.
    Maya 2020/2022
    Win 10x64
    Vray 5

  • #2
    I will need a scene for this - can you send it to ? Looks like a bug but I don't know where it is just from the images.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hi Vlado,

      In preparing a scene for yourself, I've found this is being caused by two separate scenarios. It took a while to find it.

      1) It seems I made a rookie error and on an asset, I had a ramp shader hooked up to the self illumination illumination slot of a VRayMtl - this was set at an output of 3! Even though I had hooked this up through a VRayWrapperMtl and turned off GI, it was the culprit to emitting super bright pixels randomly across the scene. I didn't think self illumination had an impact on GI until now.

      2) It seems the second scenario to contributing to the white pixels is that (by default) the min shading rate was set too low. Moving it to around 6 or 8 made results much better with white materials and HDRI dome light.

      If you still think this sounds like a bug, I'd be happy to send the scene into yourself - let me know as I don't want to waste your time.

      Maya 2020/2022
      Win 10x64
      Vray 5


      • #4
        Yes, I still want to take a look at those scenes - after all the results are different than V-Ray 2.4 and I'd like to figure out why.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

