I am working on a project and I have a lot of trouble getting acceptable render times.
I know the type of environment and light setup (in-door, lots of lights, highly reflective subject) can give really long render times, but I don't know if that is the only reason.
There are a lot of different render settings I tried and they gave me a lot different render times and this is the lowest rendertime I could get for this render, that produces somewhat acceptable results.
This frame renders in about 3 hours on a dual xeon with each 8 cores@2.7ghz.
But it still gives too much noise and jitters in the small highlights. When I raise the samples to a point where I have no jitters anymore, render times will be around 6 hours per frame.
Is that acceptable for this type of render or could there be something wrong with my settings or even with my scene?
I am working on a project and I have a lot of trouble getting acceptable render times.
I know the type of environment and light setup (in-door, lots of lights, highly reflective subject) can give really long render times, but I don't know if that is the only reason.
There are a lot of different render settings I tried and they gave me a lot different render times and this is the lowest rendertime I could get for this render, that produces somewhat acceptable results.
This frame renders in about 3 hours on a dual xeon with each 8 cores@2.7ghz.
But it still gives too much noise and jitters in the small highlights. When I raise the samples to a point where I have no jitters anymore, render times will be around 6 hours per frame.
Is that acceptable for this type of render or could there be something wrong with my settings or even with my scene?