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.tx conversion settings with nMakeTx

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  • .tx conversion settings with nMakeTx

    Hello everybody,

    I manage to convert a scene to do some test render using .tx files.
    So I use the handy script called "nMakeTx" found on Creative Crash which is really great.

    But I was wondering one thing : what are the best conversion settings for rendering with V-Ray please?
    For the moment I only use "Oiio optimized settings", but I thing that it suits better for Arnold or Renderman...

    And for the "output data format" what to choose : -uint8 -sint8 -uint16 -sint16 -half -float ? What's the difference between u and s please?

    Because for the moment with .tx files, render times are quite long... Not what I was expecting


  • #2
    u formats can have values from 0 to N, while s formats will have the range -(n-1) to n, where n=N/2.
    I doubt that they are that useful.
    As far as I know people are using uint8 textures for diffuse and similar channels and half or float for the normal maps, displacement maps and hdr images.

    Are you saying that you get slower render times with tiled textures compared to non-tiled textures?
    What is your dynamic memory limit set to?
    What version of Maya/OS/V-Ray are you using?
    V-Ray developer


    • #3
      Hi Petrov,

      And thanks for the reply.

      Yes, compared to classic jpeg files, I get slightly longer result with .tx files and more noise but it was only a test scene (just 3 x 8k textures).

      For 1 frame 1080p : 5min for jpeg / 8min for tx
      Dynamic memory limit : 8000
      Maya 2015 & VRay 2.40.02



      • #4
        Can you send a scene to our support, so they can test it with different version of V-Ray?
        V-Ray developer

