I have been experimenting with point clouds in OSL shaders in vray and so far I wasn't able to get the shader to read them.
1. I have been testing it on PTC generated in renderman. I assume I don't need some vray specific one. is it correct?
2. Is there a way to generate PTC in vray for maya?
3. is there a way to expose path input on OSL shader? string inputs are converted to a texture by VrayTexOSL
my simple test shader:
any tips will help. thank you! 
I have been experimenting with point clouds in OSL shaders in vray and so far I wasn't able to get the shader to read them.
1. I have been testing it on PTC generated in renderman. I assume I don't need some vray specific one. is it correct?
2. Is there a way to generate PTC in vray for maya?
3. is there a way to expose path input on OSL shader? string inputs are converted to a texture by VrayTexOSL
my simple test shader:
shader ptc_read ( float r = 30.0, output color result = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), output float alpha = 1.0 ) { point pos[10]; color col[10]; int n = pointcloud_search("c:/temp/aaaaa.ptc", P, r, 10, 1, "_uv", col); printf ("Found %d particles within radius %f of (%p)\n", n, r, P); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf (" position (%f) -> color (%g)\n", pos[i], col[i]); if(n>0) result=col[0]; }
