I've been playing around with converting .bgeo from Houdini to .vrmesh using ply2vrmesh and I absolutely love it so far; it's saving me a ton of time. However, my Houdini guy just told me that I need to find a way to export multiple UV sets. I can export them as vector color channels, but then I can't quite figure out a way to use that data via VRayVertexColors to drive texture placement. Is there any kind of workaround? Maybe I could read in textures using OSL?
Alternatively, is there a way to use vertex colors on a proxy to act as masks in a layered texture? For example, could I use an arbitrary float attribute to drive the blending of color maps in a texture?
Alternatively, is there a way to use vertex colors on a proxy to act as masks in a layered texture? For example, could I use an arbitrary float attribute to drive the blending of color maps in a texture?