Hi everyone!
I know this topic comes up every so often, and that methods and tools change all the time. So therefor if you don't mind, I would love to know where things are at in the world of converting assets from max to maya?
We all know there is thousands of good assets made for vray and max (specially in the arch viz world), but very very few for maya.
I would finally make the change and use maya instead of maya if I easily could convert my assets, but last time I looked it was somewhat painful.
From what I have found the latest greatest way is still to export models as fbx, export shaders as .vrscene and import both in Maya. Then you have to manually apply the shaders to the right models? (someone made a script to automate this but not sure if it still works.), how ever this is fine when you have 1 chair. But if you have several 100-GB worth of assets it would take a stupid amount of time to do this.
So! my question is, has anyone found a better way? is there a better way? why can't I convert a .max file strait to .ma ? anything vray and geometry inside is kept, and the rest breaks if it has to.
In an ideal world I would end up with a tool that I could set to run through an entire library of .max files, and end up with maya versions of them all.... but I might be dreaming here?
Anyway what do you guys do?
Thank you! and happy Easter!
I know this topic comes up every so often, and that methods and tools change all the time. So therefor if you don't mind, I would love to know where things are at in the world of converting assets from max to maya?
We all know there is thousands of good assets made for vray and max (specially in the arch viz world), but very very few for maya.
I would finally make the change and use maya instead of maya if I easily could convert my assets, but last time I looked it was somewhat painful.
From what I have found the latest greatest way is still to export models as fbx, export shaders as .vrscene and import both in Maya. Then you have to manually apply the shaders to the right models? (someone made a script to automate this but not sure if it still works.), how ever this is fine when you have 1 chair. But if you have several 100-GB worth of assets it would take a stupid amount of time to do this.
So! my question is, has anyone found a better way? is there a better way? why can't I convert a .max file strait to .ma ? anything vray and geometry inside is kept, and the rest breaks if it has to.
In an ideal world I would end up with a tool that I could set to run through an entire library of .max files, and end up with maya versions of them all.... but I might be dreaming here?
Anyway what do you guys do?
Thank you! and happy Easter!