Hi team,
I'm very newbie on the baking to texture side but I have a projection mapping project and we are researching on different techniques.
One of those are unwrapping the face (image attached) to make more flexible and able to track points on Unity side but the problem is the next:

Exist any way to bake multiple geometry on one object UV?
In other words, if you see the attached image you can view the diffuse texture occluded by the sphere shadow, but the sphere visibility is not there, only his shadow.
How can I make to render this sphere shape in the unwrapped texture too?
Other example is if I want to bake particles onto her face with this technique. Exist or not the possibility? I'm breaking my head making tests but without look.
Thanks for your attention and sorry for my english.
I'm very newbie on the baking to texture side but I have a projection mapping project and we are researching on different techniques.
One of those are unwrapping the face (image attached) to make more flexible and able to track points on Unity side but the problem is the next:
Exist any way to bake multiple geometry on one object UV?
In other words, if you see the attached image you can view the diffuse texture occluded by the sphere shadow, but the sphere visibility is not there, only his shadow.
How can I make to render this sphere shape in the unwrapped texture too?
Other example is if I want to bake particles onto her face with this technique. Exist or not the possibility? I'm breaking my head making tests but without look.
Thanks for your attention and sorry for my english.