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Micro Scraches

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  • Micro Scraches

    I am trying to translate a Vray & 3DStudio Max tutorial and i just cant get it.

    here is the tutorial:

    In the tutorial he said he adjusts the GAMMA to control the falloff. I cant fine ANYTHING relating to GAMMA, I think its in the 'Normal Bump Map' utility inside Max.

    I have tried this 4-5 different ways and i cant get ANYTHING CLOSE to his sample renders. any help would be appreciated.


  • #2
    You can add the "Texture input gamma" V-Ray attributes to a File node and control the gamma of the texture from there; see here for more information:

    Note that the value is reverse to the one in 3ds Max (i.e. 0.45454 in 3ds Max corresponds to 2.2 for the Maya attributes).

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Gamma doesn't 'control' anything in that tutorial - setting it to 1.0 just makes sure 3ds max loads normal map properly.


      • #4
        If "Gamma doesn't 'control' anything in that tutorial" what is the setting thats he is stepping down to control the fade off of the layers in the VrayBlendMtl ? because he said the the BUMP VALUE is set to 30. That is insane inside maya so im assuming its something between .2 to .01.

        This is why I was hoping to have someone translate this into Maya, because I cant figure this out.


        • #5
          I have made a little progress. Turning off the image filtering made a HUGE difference. But Still can't get the layer falloff working yet.


          • #6
            The thing that I stepped down for the layers is Normal bump strength.
            I don't know how it works in maya, but in max you can change the bump strength in 2 ways and have an identical result - the normal value inside the NormalBump texmap or the actual Bump amount (default 30)
            In this tut, i chose to change the normal strength, instead the default bump value. Doesn't really matter.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	normstr.png
Views:	1
Size:	11.9 KB
ID:	859504

