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Exporting from max to maya

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  • Exporting from max to maya

    Hi ,
    Is it possible to export from 3dS max to maya & be able to share a scene, so all materials, lights etc are sent over?


  • #2
    export a vray scene should work...


    • #3
      Here is how to bring the whole scene in V-Ray for Maya:
      V-Ray developer


      • #4
        So no way to transfer it and have an editable scene ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by cdavis View Post
          So no way to transfer it and have an editable scene ?
          Maybe bring the vrscene in to edit the lights and materials and bring in the geometry via alembic/fbx so that the whole scene is more or less editable? (may need to re-assign materials?)
          Last edited by jasonhuang1115; 22-03-2016, 04:37 PM.
          always curious...


          • #6
            There is no way to edit it, once it's exported. The only way would be to either edit in max and re-export, or to edit in a text editor, but this requires knowledge on the vrscene format.
            The idea behind this is to be able to transfer entire assets or scenes with their animation, materials and lights.
            The only lights option there is in Maya for the vrscene node is whether to use the ones from the vrscene together with the ones from the maya scene or only use the ones from Maya. This is what the "Add Lights" option is for.
            Bringing in proxies will not let you edit the geometry either.
            You can think of the vrscene node as something similar to the proxy node, but which also transfers materials and lights.

            Going with fbx would be better for editing, I guess. And if there's still the autodesk option to transfer between autodesk applications such as maya/max, etc, that would also do it (although I think it also uses fbx internally, but I'm not 100% sure, since I haven't checked it recently).
            Alex Yolov
            Product Manager
            V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


            • #7
              I just did a simple test to bring .vrscene exported from Max to Maya. Like yolov said, everything is brought in, including lights, materials, and geo, but it's sad that the materials are not exposed in Hypershade for you to edit, which is what I care the most.

              What I found interesting is that when I bring in the whole scene via .vrscene, the materials renders correctly (matched result from Max). But when I use the same .vrscene to import materials only via Create > V-Ray > Import V-Ray material from file, the materials shown in Hypershade are incorrect (simply bunch of BRDF plug-in nodes)....

              I am curious if we can import .vrscene from Max to Maya to get matched results, why can't we have the lights and materials editable in Maya? Given the different UI and features between Vray for Max and Maya, at least say giving us 80% of the original lights and materials editable in AE and Hypershade as a starting point for further tweaking and matching is good enough in my opinion..
              always curious...

