Hi Guys,
I am currently trying to figure out the correct setup for rendering with an anamorphic plate. I have footage shot on red dragon with an anamorphic lens. This gives me a pixel aspect of 2.
So far I have the settings shown in the image. Seems to work great! Very happy with how its working.
My only question is can I change the the meta data that is written to my EXR? Currently its not picking up that I want my pixelAspectRatio to be 2 (its currently set to 1).
Is there anyway to change the meta data? Or is it something wrong in my settings?
Thanks in advance!

I am currently trying to figure out the correct setup for rendering with an anamorphic plate. I have footage shot on red dragon with an anamorphic lens. This gives me a pixel aspect of 2.
So far I have the settings shown in the image. Seems to work great! Very happy with how its working.
My only question is can I change the the meta data that is written to my EXR? Currently its not picking up that I want my pixelAspectRatio to be 2 (its currently set to 1).
Is there anyway to change the meta data? Or is it something wrong in my settings?
Thanks in advance!