I'm curious to understand how the examples for car paint and snow in the Stochastic paper could be replicated. The paper's PDF states that the car paint was made "with diffuse base layer, stochastic flakes middle layer, and reflective coat" and the snow similarly says it was made with a "sub-surface scattering base layer and stochastic flakes coat material"
From what I can see the stochastic material does not have Fresnel, but the car and snow both appear to have Fresnel on the flakes. One way to achieve this would be to connect a FresnelTex to the reflect filter and then use its "side color" to adjust the spec amount. Is this how these materials for car paint and snow were achieved? Or is there a preferred workflow for materials with Fresnel reflections?
The video further says the car paint used "GGX alpha 0.09 and gamma 0.3 degrees" while snow was "GGX alpha 0.25 and gamma 0.4 degrees." What slider values would correspond to these settings on the Stochastic material? For example I do not see a slider for GGX gamma (i.e. tail falloff) on the Stochastic material.
From what I can see the stochastic material does not have Fresnel, but the car and snow both appear to have Fresnel on the flakes. One way to achieve this would be to connect a FresnelTex to the reflect filter and then use its "side color" to adjust the spec amount. Is this how these materials for car paint and snow were achieved? Or is there a preferred workflow for materials with Fresnel reflections?
The video further says the car paint used "GGX alpha 0.09 and gamma 0.3 degrees" while snow was "GGX alpha 0.25 and gamma 0.4 degrees." What slider values would correspond to these settings on the Stochastic material? For example I do not see a slider for GGX gamma (i.e. tail falloff) on the Stochastic material.
