the whole time, I´m using vray, again and again I tried to understand, what the Texture resolution in the vray lights mean or makes!
I red the manual, but it doens´t help me - no difference to see.
The two images shows a mirror plane, without any blurring.
A dome light with a 10000x5000 HDRI texture as dome Tex.
No filters in the file loader.
When I set the res to 50!!!! it looks identical, if I set the res to 10000! - see the both screenshot...
Can anyone explane me please, what this option do and for what I could need it, in which case it makes sense to input other than 512?
Thanks, Jörg
Maya2015, Win10

the whole time, I´m using vray, again and again I tried to understand, what the Texture resolution in the vray lights mean or makes!
I red the manual, but it doens´t help me - no difference to see.
The two images shows a mirror plane, without any blurring.
A dome light with a 10000x5000 HDRI texture as dome Tex.
No filters in the file loader.
When I set the res to 50!!!! it looks identical, if I set the res to 10000! - see the both screenshot...
Can anyone explane me please, what this option do and for what I could need it, in which case it makes sense to input other than 512?
Thanks, Jörg
Maya2015, Win10