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how maximizing memory cpu rendering?

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  • how maximizing memory cpu rendering?

    hi, a question how to maximize memory for rendering? (animation rendering) my cpu has 32gb ram, but the scene only use say 6-8gb, is there a way to maximize this render? (so can faster render time)
    i put default geometry to static, maxtree depth 100, dynamic memory limit 32 is this correct?

    any suggestion?

    Last edited by asin_asinn; 08-02-2018, 07:51 PM. Reason: add animation rendering

  • #2
    I'm not an IT buff, but I assume if your scene only needs 6-8gb to render, it'll only use that. The CPU is more involved in the bucket speed (as far as I know) so once your scene is loaded into RAM, there may be speed issues associated with accessing that stored info but that may be based more on the speed of your RAM, not how much you have. Anyway, I'm straying far from my area of expertise here so I'll let someone else wade in with some actual facts. But that's my understanding of RAMs involvement in the speed of a render.


    • #3
      Hi, it might not from the rendering speed (maybe? im not sure im not very technical about this ) but maybe we can put all the texture, all geometry to memory so that we can load faster when rendering the next frame.


      • #4
        What's your V-Ray version? Generally, when using "embree" the tree depth and other settings should not be available, but we only fixed the UI part of things relatively recently. So if you're seeing embree enabled and still see the tree settings in the advanced rollouts - they will have no effect. It's recommended to use "embree" since geometry intersections are a lot faster.
        Then if you're doing a render in a GUI session and that's how you render the whole animation - then you can enable "cache geometry" and "cache bitmaps" in the overrides tab of the render settings > rendering rollout - this will store the geometry and bitmap plugins in memory for each subsequent frame and seepd up loading times.
        From then on, V-Ray is pretty much does a well optimized usage of the CPU resources, and it would be a matter of tweaking some quality settings to reduce the render times but still keep a noiseless image.
        Alex Yolov
        Product Manager
        V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

