We're working on a 4k stereoscopic 60fps animation that's 5 minutes long, so needless to say, I've been working on lowering the render times and noise, as we don't have the time or hardware to use the denoiser for this project. In my messing around with the different GI modes I noticed that the reflection pass is quite a bit more noisy with IM/LC than with BF/LC, like a lot more noisy. I tried a few things to see if I could clean it up a bit and nothing at all seemed to even change it in the slightest. I turned on local subdivs and cranked the mult up to 8, as well as increase the local subdivs of the shaders, I also tried all the presets for the Irradiance map. The only thing that worked was turning off glossy effects all together, but obviously, this isn't a solution here. I can't think why the GI calculation would affect the reflection pass. It's just using the sun/sky setup at default settings. Honestly, it seems noisier than using the other setup I was playing with which was an HDR image, I would have expected the sun/sky to be cleaner.
I've attached some images that show what I'm talking about. L side is reflect, right side is GI
The first image is BF/LC. The reflections have a bit of noise on the plane, but underneath and the tower in the back are not too bad, GI has some noise I was trying to eliminate with IM.
The second image is IM/LC. GI is great, all the noise is gone and the render times are cut in half, but the reflections are crazy noisy on the plane and the tower, especially underneath the plane.
This is basically negating all the noise reduction from the IM mode in my beauty pass. Is there a way to clean the noise up in the reflection pass. I would have thought turning on local samples and upping the reflection samples would do it, but it did not.
I've attached some images that show what I'm talking about. L side is reflect, right side is GI
The first image is BF/LC. The reflections have a bit of noise on the plane, but underneath and the tower in the back are not too bad, GI has some noise I was trying to eliminate with IM.
The second image is IM/LC. GI is great, all the noise is gone and the render times are cut in half, but the reflections are crazy noisy on the plane and the tower, especially underneath the plane.
This is basically negating all the noise reduction from the IM mode in my beauty pass. Is there a way to clean the noise up in the reflection pass. I would have thought turning on local samples and upping the reflection samples would do it, but it did not.