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environment material override not working correctly with VRayLightDome

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  • environment material override not working correctly with VRayLightDome

    The environment material override doesn't seem to work correctly with a VRayLightDome enabled. Unless I'm mis-using it. I have a simple scene with a reflective sphere and a VRayLightDome. Add material override to the VRayMtl, check environment override and add a texture. It create the placeEnvTexture node for me, yet the override doesn't work unless I turn off the VRayLightDome. Maya 2018.2 and 3.60.04

    I also tried with the VRayLightDome off and a map in the environment override render globals and that also didn't work. I adjusted the priority up to no effect as well.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by smbell; 12-07-2018, 12:42 PM.

  • #2
    you need to uncheck the Affect reflections option in the Dome Light for this to work. This way the sphere will reflect the image that is set in the Environment override from the Render Settings instead of the one from the Dome Light. Then if you set an Environment override in the Extra attributes added to the VRay material it will override the image that is set in the Render Settings environment overrides and you should get the desired effect.
    In the attached scene I've replaced the environment with a Ramp. Take a look and let me know if this works for you.
    Attached Files
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      Hmm, I swear I tried that yesterday, it's working fine now when it's setup like that. Thanks for taking the time to help as usual.

