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  • VrayScatterFog

    Hey all,

    I'm trying to use a scatter fog but I can't seem to get to square one with it. It just comes out black. I'm obviously doing something stupid can anybody point out what that is? (feel free to mock me)
    I've attached a scene

  • #2
    There's nothing plugged in the surface slot of the sphere's shading group. If you add a default VRayMtl there (just make it transparent) you should be good to go
    Miroslav Ivanov
    Chaos Cosmos


    • #3
      Hey there,
      I'm getting a strange bug where setting up a volume normally (transparent VrayMtl in the surface slot of a shading group, and VRayEnvironmentFog or VRayScatterFog in the Volume slot) yields black with no alpha.
      Even starting from scratch will give me these results. Only every once in a while will this work per normal.
      I've been using Vray for a long time, and have set up many volumes before using this method, but it has gotten very unpredictable. Anyone else having this issue?

      I'm on macOS High Sierra with Maya 2017 and Vray 3.60.03


      I think I found the problem. In the render settings, Settings under System: Default Geometry I had set this to "Dynamic", It needs to be on "Auto" or "Static" for volumes to work properly.
      Last edited by AskTheStorybots; 31-08-2018, 02:09 PM.


      • #4
        That should have no relation to the fog.
        What's the geometry you're rendering? Is it a proxy?
        Can you get us a scene?
        Alex Yolov
        Product Manager
        V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

