Hi! I've encountered a problem when using triplanar projection and displacement. As evident in the images I've attached, I get weird lines on the surface. Do you know what could be causing this and is there a way to fix it? The problem does not occur when applying the displacement through regular UV:s, but since I want all textures to match exactly that's not my preferred way of working.
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Triplanar projection causes artifacts when using displacement
Can you share a scene? I've tried this on my end but I might be missing something.
Also - what V-Ray version is this?
Dear JesperB, Dear Alex
I tried also to use triplanar with displacement. It works in 3ds Max for me, but not in Maya. Can someone explain me whats the correct setup? - might be missing a checkbox or so somewhere. It works perfect without Triplanar.
Please find attached the image of my setup. Doesnt work in Shader or as applied modifier.
Thank you i advance
Kind regards
Maya 2016 - 2018 Vray 3.60.03
Sorry, figured out:
Had to connect outputX instead of the normal output(XYZ) to the dispacement shader or modifier with a multiply node in between. All working perfect now. Thanks1 Photo