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Skylight Portal not working when rendering with CUDA.

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  • Skylight Portal not working when rendering with CUDA.

    Title pretty much sums it up. Was trying an old scene (made in Maya 2015, Vray 3.3 on OSX) on my new setup (Maya 2018, Vray Next Update 1 on Windows 10) and none of the effects from my vray rect lights with skylight portals enabled has any effects, even when contributions are cranked up to 1000.
    In the old scene I have an hdri mapped to a vray light material put onto a polygon object. Thinking it was something in that setup that was wrong so I created a fresh scene with simple geometries with vray mtl on and a vray dome light with an hdri attached, and the result was the same - rendering with CPU the skylight portal works as expected, but as soon as I switch to CUDA it disappears. Tried back and forth, and the rect light is visible as expected when skylight portal is disabled.

    I also tried rending the GPUs individually, with and without the c++/cpu.

    Could it have anything to do with something in the render settings?

    I tried looking for this issue in the documentet limitations and googled for similar issues but found nothing.

    My GPU cards are:
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

    Thanks in advance,
    / Dan

  • #2
    Skylight Portal is no longer supported with CUDA. The latest V-Ray version that supports it when rendering with GPU is V-Ray 3.60.05. It was since discontinued in favour of Dome Adaptive.
    Thanks for pointing out it is not accurately listed in the documentation for V-Ray for Maya. That will be fixed.

    Just a suggestion, a lot of things have been updated since V-Ray 3.3 and it might be a good idea to switch to the new default render settings before making further adjustments to this scene.

    Svetlana Gesheva
    QA, V-Ray for Maya


    • #3
      Thank you very much for your reply Svetlana! I'll stop scratching my head now.

