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VRSCENE and texture path issues

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  • VRSCENE and texture path issues

    Hi everyone,

    we are facing some issues with vrscene importer to Maya. We decided long time ago to work with Maya in archviz. Has been a choice with its benefits and its disadvantages.

    Each new project in our study takes an average of about 50 new props. All of them, buy in the internet, where the use always to be max and vray ready, but no Maya version.

    Most of these projects have to be delivered in one or two weeks. So, we have to model the whole project, textured it, lighting it up, put cameras, rendered it and put all of our props in two weeks.

    I dont know all of you, but for Maya users is a really poor workflow, to translate each model to maya manually. It is a hard work and also a bit boring. Even counting you get in time to translate 50 max props into maya in one week, what is really a hard job.

    As you may notice, each of us have been working around to get a better and faster workaround with max props.

    There are two methods,i know, one is to import geometry as fbx and then import materiasl from a max vrscene version. Is difficult that the result has something to do with the original file, and even that, you have to do some manual work connection the right materials with the right geometry.

    And the second one is the best practice, we know so far. Is to import just the vrscene from Max straight into Maya. Result is identical to max version.

    Attachd comparation of both methods. Left one is importing materials from vrscene, and right one is just the vrscene importer into maya.

    Perfect, we have a quick solution for maya users, even could be better if you could export each single object from max separetly and then put them together into the same file so that we could batch export them from max and got them into Maya as separate objects, but this is another history.

    The problem we are facing now, is that these vrscene have the texture path write down in the vrcene file and they are absolute ones.

    So you cannot share vrscenes props with other computers and what is worste, you cannot send them to a renderfarm for animation rendering.

    So we think it may be easy to solve this issue for maya users and we point out 3 possible solutions. Each one solve the problem, so it would be nice to get the easiest one for chaosgroup developers.

    1. To get the option to export from max with textures embeds in the vrscene file. For sure it would take longer to export, and the file size will get bigger, but for small props we are talking about 4 or 5 textures that could be embed as binary code inside the vrscene. So it would be possible to share files with vrscenes with textures with other computers and with renderfamrs.

    2. Vrscene files can store the textures as relatives path, so in that case, if we have the textures in the same directory as the vrscene is, it should work on every single computers,aswell on renderfarms. The workaround with renderfarms would be in that case harder. Cause Maya doesnt know about these textures, so when you export to a renderfarm you should manually store the tetures in the same folder of the computer is ready to render. Not ideal solution.

    3. The best, but we guess the harder one. When Maya import a vrscene, it does import also the textures as texture nodes in the hypershade, where they cannot be deleted by optimising the scene. That way, Maya knows about this textures, you can export them to a renderfarm, and you also con tweak them just in case you want to customiced your prop. vrscene file souhl then be connected to these textures nodes in maya. Any change to these nodes, or file path should the be write down in the vrscene.

    Well, i dont know if i could light up the problem we are facing on. But for maya users in arhviz, is still a big problem and a great effort to work with libraries,as all of them are max made for.

    We ask for a little bit of help to chaos group, it would be brilliant to have one of these solutions.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    So you say the textures are written as absolute paths and you can't share them between workstations or farm. How come is it? You don't hold your assets on a central server? Are you working on a local machine where textures are pointing to your local disk? Do you have some kind of environment variables where the paths are remapped based on OS or whatever? The ideal solution for you would be to have all the textures in the same centralized place, like network attached storage where they can be accessed by all the machines on the network and all the users on the network.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Hi Morbid,

      sorry perhaps i was not clear enough, but what you are asking for, has nothing to do with our issue.

      The big point for us here is when we export vrscene from Max. At that moment, Vray write down the vrscene file and the file textures paths are just a string inside the file that are pointing out to an absolute path of each texture. In fact if you edit the vrscene and edit the file root and just write down "/xxx/xxx.jpg" it gets relative from where the vrscene file is, but again you have to do that work manually.

      The file texture path is enclosed in the vrscene file itself, so its impossible,as they are absolute paths, to share files if textures aren´t pointing exact at the same directory in the shared computer. This is the main reason it makes it impossible to use with outside renderfarms. Even ones the file is created you cannot change this textures paths.

      This is why we are asking for one of the three options explained before.

      Thank you again.


      • #4
        This is a long, windy and confusing post, and you've mentioned a side by side comparison but only posted one image. But I think the basic issue you're trying to get across is that with the vrscene import option you prefer, you are then unable to change texture file paths, is that correct? If that is YES, then where is that original file path getting set/coming from?


        • #5
          When you export the vrscene from Max, there should be an option called „strip path“ which should write the texture filenames without a path to the vrscene file.
          Now Vray should find the textures if they are in the same folder as the vrscene file.

          Cheers Florian
          Florian von Behr
          CG Supervisor
          The Scope GmbH


          • #6
            When you export the vrscene from Max, there should be an option called „strip path“ which should write the texture filenames without a path to the vrscene file.
            Now Vray should find the textures if they are in the same folder as the vrscene file.

            Cheers Florian
            Florian von Behr
            CG Supervisor
            The Scope GmbH


            • #7
              Hi Witt3D Have you find out any solid way to export from 3ds max to maya? I have hundreds of assets to do it this way to another and I am looking for shortcuts to make my life easier, I find .vrscene export far from ideal. :/
              My Artstation
              Whether it is an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind. -
              Sun Tsu


              • #8
                When exporting from Max (or Maya for that matter), there's an option to strip the paths. If you do that and keep all assets and the vrayscene in the same folder, all assets should load. Additionally, you can use VRAY_ASSETS_PATH=<path1>;<path2>;<pathN> to specify locations where VRay should look for assets.
                Alex Yolov
                Product Manager
                V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                • #9
                  Hi yolov, thanks I didn't want to make another thread about it. My main issue is not only the lack of correct paths but the object itself which, if I don't collapse all elements inside 3ds max, it imports to Maya as a proxy mesh (at least it looks like one) On the top of that, everything has a SINGLE LAMBERT on it..All I want is to be able to select separated shaders attached to their corresponding geometry.

                  As we buy models 95% of the time we got these file formats, each with their own issue..
                  • .max file with all the shaders connected but I can't manage to get it all together to Maya as described above
                  • .fbx file with separated shaders attached to the geometry but that's about it, zero paths, crazy long names such as FBX235643673634 etc.
                  • .obj file with ONE shader attached to everything which is the least useful option

                  I can imagine that it's mostly the Autodesk fault that they offer such limited cross platform conversion. And its widely known they don't give a d*** about the users. This particular case is one of those disadvantages of working in Maya in the Archviz field.
                  My Artstation
                  Whether it is an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind. -
                  Sun Tsu


                  • #10
                    The preview that you see in Maya resembles the proxy mesh, but should have nothing to do with the state of the geometry in max (or elsewhere). This is simply because this type of preview is generated for everything inside the .vrscene file only for viewport preview.

                    The single lambert that you see is also something that's only for the viewport.

                    If you bring in a vrscene into maya and hit render - then everything should render like it's supposed to.

                    On a side note - it is still unknown to me why Maya is used in archviz
                    Alex Yolov
                    Product Manager
                    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                    • #11
                      Hi Karol, after so many years working around with assets, we have realize, that the best way for us is to export straight from 3ds max to vrscene file and then import to maya. Of course, you loose the control of the asset, is closed in an external file and you have really poor control of it. Just change it on 3ds max and export again or work on some details throught scene overrides like attached in the image. In other words, change things by overridyng the code of the vrscene file.

                      You will see a preview object in maya with a lambert shader but it renders perfectly. In fact is the best way to get the same result from 3dsmax to maya that we have ever try, and we have try so many things like converters Max2Maya, vray material import from vrscene file and the geometry through fbx,... .

                      Is really a fast workaround and you get what you see when you buy a model that is render with vray in 3dsmax. The contra is that you lose control on the asset about customization, but the time saving just worth it. In fact you can export your asset with different colors if you want to have later some options, is so fast that you can handle like that.

                      Hi yolov, we also ask ourselves why we use to work with Maya in archviz, with so tones of asstes and people working in archviz for 3Dsmax, but then we open Maya and start to work and we realize why.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Karol.Osinski View Post
                        Hi yolov, thanks I didn't want to make another thread about it. My main issue is not only the lack of correct paths but the object itself which, if I don't collapse all elements inside 3ds max, it imports to Maya as a proxy mesh (at least it looks like one) On the top of that, everything has a SINGLE LAMBERT on it..All I want is to be able to select separated shaders attached to their corresponding geometry.
                        Hi Karol,
                        I think you expect from vrscene export something different. Its not a direct translator of entire scene from one software to another (not like a converter) where you get to control the objects in another software. You have to think of it as a wrapper that bakes down everything so you can just render your asset. You cannot load its shader or modify its geometry / shader / texture in maya after its exported out of max.
                        Dmitry Vinnik
                        Silhouette Images Inc.


                        • #13
                          Thanks a lot for your input guys,
                          I "KIND OF" knew how .vrscene scene works but somehow expected a magic miracle to happen, damnit! Even though, I am big fan of proxies and any other type of optimization, the lack of proper viewport display totally throws this idea away in my studio. Our architects needs to see all the colors, composition etc., directly inside the viewport as both teams work very closely together. Also the the fact that you can't edit the model directly is a big NO NO...

                          I guess I simply continue doing it the way I do now, and having all the basic materials ready to apply which really speed things up and creating / reconnecting textures of the rest manually.

                          I can use the bright side of this TEDIOUS task as an anwer to your question yolov - I find myself and other learning much more by recreating all the shaders manually to make them look a rendered preview from VRay for Max. I imagine I would not learn that much by simply dropping all these models into viewport. I totally agree with you Witt3D haha, I often ask myself WHY THE HELL but then I open Maya and I am like: okay I don't mind it, I wanna do it here.

                          My Artstation
                          Whether it is an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind. -
                          Sun Tsu

