I have a scene which I can't share. It has a character by some lockers. The lockers are a fairly simple metal with triplanar. When the character and lockers are visible and I render at 8000x8000, i get this error:
// Error: V-Ray : Exception [module=1] : Preparing ray server //
However if I hide the lockers and just leave the character it renders fine.
Oddly, if I change my render to 2000x2000 it works fine even with the lockers visible.
I tried removing the texture thinking maybe the Triplanar on the lockers was creating an issue at larger sizes....but no difference, still halts with that error at 8k.
I also notice that when i save and reopen, my Render Settings appear to reset, like it can't save them properly. Not sure if this is related.
I tried re-installing vray to see if it would help, but no luck. What does this mean... how can I correct it?
I am on a 72 core 256GB RAM machine with dual RTX Cards.
Any troubleshooting insights welcome. Thanks in advance,