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GPU rendering crashes on Mac 10.11.6, Maya 2019.2, Vray 4.30.01, Titan X

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  • GPU rendering crashes on Mac 10.11.6, Maya 2019.2, Vray 4.30.01, Titan X

    Trying to get Vray CUDA rendering on a Mac (10.11.6). Just a sphere on a plane, Vray dome light.

    CUDA rendering is selectable, but then one of two things occurs:

    1) rendering starts with the first, long "Compiling Kernels," but Maya crashes right at the point when the compiling seems completed - "Fatal Error".

    - or -

    2) rendering crashes Maya before even getting to compiling kernels, with "Fatal Error" and the following on the status line:

    // Error: line 1: V-Ray : /Users/jenkins/ci/cgrepo/vraysdk/samples/vray_plugins/rt_privat(1642) : CUDA error 1 : one or more of the parameters passed to the API call is not within an acceptable range of values //

    Very confused by "/Users/jenkins" - why is there a mystery user?

    Have tried total clean install for both Maya, Vray, Nvidia drivers, no change.
    Last edited by chronopsis; 29-01-2020, 09:23 AM. Reason: typos

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    Forwarding the communication to your original topic here.
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