im facing some issues. As i have already emntioned earlier here, our work around now that Maya can inport vrscenes is to import props from common libraries with vrscenes files.
Here we are facing som issues. One concerning to normal mapping. Values in 3Ds max some to not be the same with Maya. In fact in maya is usual to need to raise down the normal mapping value(from 1 to anywhere close 0.3 cause you get artifact on the surface with some maps)
But the problem we are facing now is when you import a vrscene file from 3Ds max with displacement on a multi/Sub-Object material. When you import in Maya, even you get different materials for the same object the displacement affects the whole object not tjust the material aplied to the concerning faces.
Thank you
im facing some issues. As i have already emntioned earlier here, our work around now that Maya can inport vrscenes is to import props from common libraries with vrscenes files.
Here we are facing som issues. One concerning to normal mapping. Values in 3Ds max some to not be the same with Maya. In fact in maya is usual to need to raise down the normal mapping value(from 1 to anywhere close 0.3 cause you get artifact on the surface with some maps)
But the problem we are facing now is when you import a vrscene file from 3Ds max with displacement on a multi/Sub-Object material. When you import in Maya, even you get different materials for the same object the displacement affects the whole object not tjust the material aplied to the concerning faces.
Thank you