I'm having an issue getting the V-ray shaders to load correctly. When I try and create a Vray Mtl it stalls out and I can't do anything with that shader.
// Warning: V-Ray VolumeGrid: Loading shaders failed - no <*.txt> files in . //
// Initializing V-Ray for Maya
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 4: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 5: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiPhotometricLight.aiFilename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 6: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 7: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 12: filePathEditor: Attribute 'substanceNode.substanceFile' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: vrayvolumegrid, invertShape, mayaHIK, vrayformaya, GPUBuiltInDeformer, cacheEvaluator, deformerEvaluator, modelingToolkit, retargeterNodes
// Error: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. The error message is:[loadLib] 126: LoadLibrary failed (126): The specified module could not be found.
I'm having an issue getting the V-ray shaders to load correctly. When I try and create a Vray Mtl it stalls out and I can't do anything with that shader.
// Warning: V-Ray VolumeGrid: Loading shaders failed - no <*.txt> files in . //
// Initializing V-Ray for Maya
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 4: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 5: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiPhotometricLight.aiFilename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 6: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 7: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\maya\2020\prefs\filePathE ditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 12: filePathEditor: Attribute 'substanceNode.substanceFile' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: vrayvolumegrid, invertShape, mayaHIK, vrayformaya, GPUBuiltInDeformer, cacheEvaluator, deformerEvaluator, modelingToolkit, retargeterNodes
// Error: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. The error message is:[loadLib] 126: LoadLibrary failed (126): The specified module could not be found.