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Overscan ignored for exr files

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  • Overscan ignored for exr files

    Hi folks.
    We have a scene render 4900x2259px with an over scan set to 250 above and 100px at the bottom. (final should be 4900x2609px)
    We need to save out an exr which gives us a toon line on a alpha BG but the overscan is not respected. Even if I change the resolution in the render settings to add that extra to the height and bottom it still only saves out at 4900x2259

    Is there another method to rending a toon line with alpha BG?
    This is really urgent and for Autodesk!

    Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    This is odd. In Bridge you can see the complete image as exr with the correct res. double click it and open it in PS and you get whats on the left???
    Attached Files


    • #3
      There should be an option to allow the proper overscan display of the image. With the Exr-IO PS plugin, there's an option called "Ignore display window", which does exactly that.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Thank you I will check it out, thanks for the tip.

