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Vrscene Freeze and Bake Pivot Error on Vray 5

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  • Vrscene Freeze and Bake Pivot Error on Vray 5

    Hi, i already post this bug with vray 3.6 and Chaos told that should be fixed on next update, but we are now with vray 5 and still the same problem.

    If you import a vrscene prop (is not in the 0,0,0 position or it is nevermind) you move it where ever you want and freeze his transformation and then try yo bake his pivot you get this ugly render.

    In one side you get the vrscene render ok in the pivot pòsition, but the old freeze position you get an wireframe low poly version rendered too. And the worse thing is that you dont get your pivot baked, preview geometry and original geometry are in different positions and different pivots!!

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Sorry for the false promise. I guess something must have happened. The issue is still logged (internal bug-tracker id: VMAYA-6673). I'll notify the project manager immediately.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

